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DE: +49 800 118 1800
AT: +43 1 25 30 02 50

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Benefits of postal service in Hamburg

  • Reliable postal service in Hamburg
  • Representative addresses
  • Representative addresses
  • Reliable mail processing
  • Forwarding on request
Außenansicht COLLECTION Business Center Hamburg Hohe Bleichen

Postal service and administrative tasks

The COLLECTION Business Service not only offers you suitable offices, but also a postal service in Hamburg. This version may be used for a limited stay in the city where, on the one hand, prestigious premises are needed and, on the other, permanent availability by post is required.

Postal, telephone and administrative tasks - very time-consuming tasks that cannot always be performed by the entrepreneur himself. Our friendly and experienced staff are able to step in here. As required, in addition to the postal service they will take on additional administrative tasks such as the taking and forwarding of phone calls and emails.

Der Empfang in Hamburg, Neuer Wall. Hell gehalten mit Beige- und Weißtönen, eine komfortable Couch mit Kissen im Vordergrund, den Empfangstresen mit goldenen Stoffbahnen im Hintergrund neben einer die komplette Wand einnehmenden Fensterfront. An der Decke Leuchtelemente in Form von ineinander verschlungenen, goldenen Ringen.

In-house postal service

All post is forwarded to the entrepreneur's requested address at regular intervals. How often this happens can be agreed on an individual basis. Not only letters and packages, but also emails can be forwarded at any time. The postal service can be combined with additional services or booked separately. For example, it can be supplemented by a secretarial and/or telephone service. The service staff provides the postal service by the hour, day, month or a longer period. As required, a service agreement can also be entered into for several years.

Dekoration im COLLECTION Business Centern Hamburg Hohe Bleichen


We also offer the right premises along with our services. The premises at the COLLECTION Business Center are fully furnished and ready for immediate occupancy. The flexible booking options allow you to rent them to your specific requirements. The COLLECTION Business Center is located in Hohe Bleichen and Neuer Wall , two of central Hamburg's very best locations. This provides you with the ideal sophisticated address as both your company address for your post and you yourself. Request your non-binding quote right away.

Hamburg Hohe Bleichen

Hamburg Neuer Wall

take off when others give up

Zu sehen ist Ihr Ansprechpartner in allen Fragen zu COLLECTIOn, Denis Knetsch. Herr Knetsch ist ein junger Mann mit zurückgelegtem, blonden Haar und gepflegtem Dreitagebart. Er trägt einen dunklen, dezent karierten Anzug, ein weißes Hemd und eine schwarz/weiße Krawatte mit Treppenmuster.

Your contact partner

Denis Knetsch

If you have questions or would like advice, call me.

+49 174 - 166 66 53

Quick offer

Request your offer now

Do you have any questions? Get in touch with us! Hotline: +49 (0) 800 118 18 00

Free call from the German network. In Austria: +43 (0) 1 25 30 02 50 (local rate)

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